Three ambitious pillars are established for this strategy: EU economy should become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy for the mutual benefit of EU member states and sustain their effort to deliver high levels of employment, productivity and social cohesion.
To measure in meeting the Europe 2020 goals, it has also been agreed upon five ambitious targets on employment, innovation, education, social inclusion and climate/energy. This set of EU-level targets is translated into national strategies in each EU country, reflecting different situations and circumstances.
Call for papers
This symposium is an International Forum for PhD students and Post Docs, lecturers, researchers, professors, educational scientists, technologists and European projects experts, who can present their contribution on the mentioned topics.
A special attention will be paid to young researchers PhD students and Post Docs who are encouraged to express their original ideas in a particular part of the plenary session.
Each participant can choose between 2 presentation typologies:
_Oral presentation: each presentation will last max.15 minutes (10 minutes for presentation +5 minutes for a "question and answer" session. A PC with Microsoft powerpoint and video projector will be made available to all speakers. For other technical requirements please contact the symposium organizers by sendind an email to : symposium2011@reaser.eu
_Virtual presentation: This presentation modality is addressed to those who are not able to attend the symposium in person. Virtual presentations will consist of a power point presentation (with audio) that will be uploaded on the symposium website. The presentation will therefore be accessible for all participants during and after the symposium.
Important dates
Abstract submission - 15 September 2011
Acceptance notification - 25 September 2011
Final paper submission - 15 October 2011
Registration/payment deadline - 18 October 2011
Website: http://www.reaser.eu/symposium/
Email: symposium2011@reaser.eu
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