September 30, 2011

Young European of the Year

The Schwarzkopf-foundation is looking for young people from Europe between the ages of 18 and 26, (i.e. in 2012 the prize winner should not be older than 26) who are imaginative and active in an honorary capacity engaged for the European understanding and integration.

Young people prepared to grasp the opportunities of our time in forging peaceful coexistence in a Europe of diversity. Each year with this prize the Schwarzkopf Foundation rewards a young European for his/her outstanding commitment to fostering international understanding and the union of Europe.

September 27, 2011

Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in Poland

Centre for Creative Activity is looking for EVS volunteer for the period of February-November 2012. Our project is about promoting voluntarism, building local activism. Volunteer is a person involved in making actions, workshops for youth and children, can also to adults. During EVS you will be involved in coordinating local and international projects, fundraising, writing application for grants and working at school:))) also sometimes you will be involve in travelling in a region with promotion of youth in action and your country! 

September 20, 2011

EuroBelgrade 2011

Euro Belgrade 2011 is an international student sports tournament that is organized by the Faculty of organizational sciences from Belgrade (Serbia) and supported by the entire University of Belgrade. It will take place from 14th to 17th of October and during those four days students will have the opportunity to play futsal, volleyball, basketball or waterpolo during the day and party in the night. All of the games will be played at one place, in a sport complex that is positioned in a forest called Kosutnjak (the very heart of Belgrade nature) which many people find as one of the most beautiful green parts of the city. 

When you come here, besides playing sports, we will take to you visit some of the most attractive and famous Belgrade sights because our wish is to make you feel as pleasant as you can. We also want you to feel comfortable, so you can choose between three options when it comes to accomodation: you can be situated in a hotel, hostel or a gym. It depends on what you like the best. Our wish is to spread friendship, to strengthen bonds among European students and to become a brand in the next few years. We hope that we will come up with unforgettable experience to all of its participants.

September 16, 2011

Studying Abroad? How to Fit in With the Locals

Studying abroad brings many benefits. It's a good way to experience the wider world and to become a well rounded person who can get along with anyone. But the first time you head off to a foreign study centre or university you might find it a bit challenging. The best way to get a lot from the experience is to integrate yourself fully into the culture. Here are some tips for doing just that.

Learn the language
With hundreds of languages worldwide one of the options is studying abroad is a country where your native tongue is not the primary mode of communication. This is not for everyone and you have to decide whether your language skills are adequate for taking instruction in a different language or whether you will follow a course in your native language and spend the rest of the time getting to know the local language. 

September 14, 2011

Europeanization: Do We Still Miss the Big Picture?

The Centre d’Etude de la Vie Politique (CEVIPOL) of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and the Institute for European Studies (IEE) of the Université libre de Bruxelles are organizing an international conference “Europeanization : Do we still miss the big picture?” on March 29 and 30, 2012 in Brussels.

Description of the Conference
The concept of Europeanization can be considered as a tremendous success in the field European Studies of the last 20 years. Already early on the number of approaches to analyze how and “when Europe hits home” has multiplied. While this variety certainly is a strength, it runs a methodological risk: no common definition of Europeanization has been found and more precisely the danger of conceptual stretching occurs. Meanwhile, the first generations of definitions have been abandoned due to their conceptual proximity to concepts European integration, but more comprehensive definitions imply again the complexity of processes of Europeanization and mutual impacts of Europeanization and European Integration.

September 13, 2011

Traineeship at European Centre For Modern Languages

The European Centre For Modern Languages (ECML) in Graz, Austria, has been offering traineeships since 1997. The scheme has proved a highly successful means of developing further contacts between the Centre and its member states. Recruiting young professionals from all over Europe to join its team for a short period both reinforces the Centre’s role as a place of international cooperation and promotes an atmosphere of intercultural learning. For the trainees it often represents their first experience of an international organisation. The scheme which the ECML now offers is the result of a learning process and is adapted to meet the needs both of the Centre and the trainees themselves. 

Duration & Traineeship Areas 
The ECML offers traineeships, lasting in general 6 months, twice a year. According to their field of interest applicants can choose the main area in which they would like to be involved (although the tasks will cover a wide variety of areas):
- organisation of events and meetings;
- documentation and resources;
- the Centre’s website;
- finances and general administration

September 12, 2011

How to Improve Your Chances of Getting a Great Scholarship

With tuition on the rise nearly everywhere and the global economy still stuck in the mud, many students are turning to scholarships to help cover college costs. And really, who wouldn’t want free money?

But, how do you actually get your hands on this free money? Keep reading for our 10 tips on how to improve your chances of getting a great scholarship.

1. Earn good grades in high school.
You don’t need a 4.0 to get a scholarship, but decent grades sure help. If it’s between you and an equally-qualified finalist, your grades can give you the edge you need. So, put your best effort into your high school classes.

2. Volunteer locally.
Scholarship committees love students who are active in their communities. Pick a cause you care about and invest your time into it. This will help build your resume, too.

September 10, 2011

7th UNESCO Youth Forum

UNESCO offers young journalists and bloggers the opportunity to participate in the 7th Youth Forum of the 36th UNESCO General Conference, taking place in Paris from 17 to 20 October 2011. Journalists and bloggers who are selected to attend the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum will be able to network with youth delegates from 193 countries, with key members of international organizations and with non-governmental organizations.

A young blogger from each of UNESCO’s five constituent regions (Africa, Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and North America & Latin America and the Caribbean) will be selected.

September 9, 2011

Professional Training on Negotiation and Protocols

Kosovo Youth Atlantic Treaty Association is organizing professional training on “Negotiation and Protocols” in Durres, Albania on 1 – 6 November 2011. This course will develop your understanding of the principles, strategies, and tactics of effective negotiation and professional relationship management. You will also increase awareness and understanding of ethical principles and stakeholder considerations that influence the choices offered and made in transactions and relationships. 

You will learn to identify and assess the variables in negotiations, develop sound negotiation planning techniques, develop an understanding of various strategies and tactics to use as you ethically resolve conflicts, transactional and interpersonal differences. Learn how to use that knowledge to execute effective dispute resolutions, and improved competence to manage professional relationships. 

September 7, 2011

Think Tank School for Caucasus and Central Asia

Think Tank School for Caucasus and Central Asia will take place on October 20-22, 2011 in Bazaleti, Georgia. The event is organized by the Lithuanian Free Market Institute and New Economic School Georgia in cooperation with the Atlas Economic Research Foundation (USA) and the Free University (Georgia).

Topics of the seminar include: fundraising, public relations, management, communication with governments and coalition building. The speakers of the seminar will be experienced professionals from the USA, the EU and Georgia. The event will consist of lectures and workshops where participants will be able to address their specific issues and solve problems.

We invite members of new think tanks (up to 5 years in operation) as well as individuals who are active, motivated and dedicated to the ideas of liberty. If you fit this description and are willing to participate in this seminar, please send us the following documents by September 26, 2011, to We will select 26 best applicants and provide them with a seminar package (travel, accommodation, meals and event material) for free.

September 5, 2011

European Media Work Exchanges

The MARS programme builds upon previous actions and recommendations made by Council of Europe bodies regarding media pluralism, diversity, fight against discrimination, and intercultural dialogue. Regarding the wide range of media productions, it will focus, though not exclusively, on sport media coverage. If Sport is a major field of investment for the media production and is an important area for building social cohesion, it can be a source of tensions between groups, communities, or even nations.

By working with all the media actors and by making them work together, MARS offers a way of exchanging and fostering intercultural dialogue between the various groups of the public within the media reach. In this sense, the MARS programme wants to foster mutual understanding, to counter stereotypes and to reduce discriminatory and racist attitudes.

To go towards achieving this outcome, the MARS programme is offering media professionals (journalism students and trainers, journalists, media managers, etc.) the opportunity to participate in European Media Work Exchanges.

The MARS Media Work Exchanges are a unique opportunity for media professionals, and future ones, to widen the scope of their media practices and contact pools.