July 20, 2012

International Summer School of Leadership 2012, Ukraine

Zaporizhzhya Institute of Economics and Information Technologies holds Ist International Summer School of Leadership timed to coincide with the 19th anniversary of ZIEIT for students of all economic majors of higher educational institutions of Ukraine and foreign countries.  
Period: September 15-23, 2012.
Location: the South coast of the Crimea, sports and fitness complex “Smena” (Foros).

The main objective of the International Summer School of Leadership is to improve the educational level of students, who are studying at such majors as “Management”, “International economics”, “Economics of Enterprise”, “Marketing”, “Finances” and others; adopt the national educational system to international standards; form the circle of young scientists with the prospects of further cooperation in the field of scientific research.

The School program includes:
1. Conducting of review lectures by leading experts in the area of Management and PR.
2. Holding of scientific discussions with scientists of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, near and far abroad (Great Britain, Poland).
3. Conducting trainings and master classes on the following topics:
A) The image of an entrepreneur in today’s Ukraine: European and Asian benchmarks. The specificity of maintaining positive image of a company after its bankruptcy.
B) Distinctive features of the PR in modern Ukraine. Working with the media as the key factor of successful PR company. The promotion of goods and services during “trade wars”.
C) Psycholinguistics of business: voice markers of entrepreneurship (leader). Technologies of manipulating of the business partner.
4. Excursion program: the Church of Foros; Laspi; Yalta; Baidar Gates; Livadia Palace; Vorontsov Palace; Swallow’s Nest; Balaklava; tourist trip on Mangup-Kale.

All participants will be awarded with certificates, honorary diplomas and gifts for the best reports.

Working languages: English, Ukrainian, Russian, Polish.

For the participation in the International School it is necessary to submit an application form and send a scientific article in the field of Management, PR and Leadership. Materials should be sent in the text editor Word 97-2003 (font 11, Times New Roman, 1.0 spacing). Margins: top – 25 mm, bottom – 25 mm, left – 30 mm, right – 20 mm. Pages should not be numbered. In the upper right corner you should right: surname and initials – with a bold capital; place of studying, course, major – in capital letters. Title – centered, in capital letters. Then (below) – the text of the article that contains the minimum number of formulas, figures, graphs. All figures should be grouped, placed in the text and have a caption at the bottom. All tables should be signed at the top. At the end of the article a list of sources should be placed. The volume of material presented in such form must be no more than six full pages. It is desirable to provide a presentation done with the program Power Point as support for the article.

The cost of participation at the School is 3500 grivnas (around 350 EUR, this includes accommodation, meals, excursion program). Travel costs are paid extra charge. 

Please send your application form by e-mail till September 10, 2012 to: Y.Harchenko@econom.zp.ua or info@еconom.zp.ua

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