Programme is divided into two didactic modules, running between mid January and
the end of July 2014, followed by an internship or field experience of min. 3
and max. 6 months, starting from August 2014, and a presentation of the
students' final dissertation in spring 2015.
• 1
year post-graduate professionalizing and field-oriented programme
Interdisciplinary nature of the programme with a methodology characterized by a
combination of theory and practice
Lecturers and trainers chosen among high level academics, diplomats,
international organizations officers and NGOs activists, thus offering a wealth
of both academic and field expertise
Mandatory internship/field experience in leading organisations working in the
areas of human rights protection/promotion, conflict prevention/resolution,
humanitarian assistance or development, either in the field or at Headquarters
Career service with specific sessions on career coaching and recruiting session
with UNV
International and multicultural student environment
should I apply?
should apply if you are looking for a professionalizing and
mission/field-oriented international master programme, as offered by the Scuola
Superiore Sant’Anna, an example of academic excellence in training and
research. If your training needs include practical skills, besides relevant theoretical
knowledge, as well as internship/field-experience with prestigious
international organizations, this training programme is highly relevant for
curriculum is strongly multidisciplinary and field oriented and includes
courses in: International Law, International Humanitarian Law, International
Human Rights Law, Geopolitics, HRs philosophical dimension, Economic
Development, Theories and Techniques of Conflict Management, International PK
and PB operations, International HR Field operations, International Election
Observation missions, International Humanitarian operations, International
Project Development, Personal security, Stress Management, Preventive Medicine
& First Aid, Essentials of Research and Writing, Career coaching.
internship is meant to supplement the in-class training with a relevant hand-on
experience, to be carried out with a renowned organization working in the areas
of human rights protection/promotion, conflict prevention/resolution, humanitarian
assistance or development, either in the field or at headquarters.
tuition fee for the full Programme is 7.250,00 euros, payable in two
installments. It covers the following: attendance costs and participation to
field trips, didactic material (in electronic format), tutorship, lunch (on
class and exam days), access to all facilities of the Scuola (including library
and computer rooms). It does not include accommodation costs in Pisa and during the
internship, nor travel expenses.
Master Programme offers one scholarship in memory of Gualtiero Fulcheri –
former UN Assistant Secretary General - covering the full tuition fee and to be
awarded to the most deserving applicant. Depending on financial availability,
reduced tuition fee might be offered to citizens from non-OECD countries who
are eligible for a study visa for Italy .
further details, please visit www.humanrights.sssup.it
or contact:
of Arts in “Human Rights and Conflict Management”
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Via Cardinale Maffi, 27 56126 Pisa - ITALY
E-mail: humanrights@sssup.it
Tel. +39 050 882653/55
Fax +39 050 882665
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