Preferred subjects:
- Problems Regarding Translation from/to Balkan and/or Slavic languages
- Teaching of Balkan and/or Slavic Languages
- Reception of the Balkans in Europe
- Reception of Europe in the Balkans
- Balkan Features in Language / Literature / Art
- Dialectological Approach of Balkan Linguistic Relations.
Other relevant subjects may also be introduced.
Languages of the conference are English, Russian and all Balkan languages. English translation of the paper must be distributed to participants before reading the paper.
Conference registration fee is 30 Euros. For members of academic staffs (professors, university teachers, students) the registration fee is 10 Euros.
The Organizing Committee is compound by professors from both University of Tirana and Trakya University, Edirne.
Mailing addresses:
Departamenti i Gjuhëve Sllave dhe Ballkanike
Fakultetit i Gjuhëve të Huaja
Universiteti i Tiranës
Rruga e Elbasanit
Tiranë, Albania
Participants are asked to announce by 15 February 2010 the title of the paper and to deliver by 15 March 2010 an abstract of the paper in English. Participants will be notified whether the paper is accepted by 20 March 2010. Conference registration fee should be paid upon registration.
Accommodation: Participants should cover expenses for their accommodation. However, the Organizing Committee will take care to provide facilities and ensure reduced prices for participants.
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